New site-safety guidance released – Construction News

New site-safety guidance released Construction News New site-safety guidance released Construction News New site-safety guidance released – Construction News Source: Assent.Safety
New site-safety guidance released Construction News New site-safety guidance released Construction News New site-safety guidance released – Construction News Source: Assent.Safety
IAF #COVID19 FAQs Q20: What will happen to the transition periods (e.g. ISO 22000:2018, ISO 50000:2018) because of COVID-19; will they be extended? – IAF (@IAF_Global)07:57 – 2020/04/13 IAF #COVID19 FAQs Q20: What will happen to the…
UK government using confidential patient data in coronavirus response The Guardian UK government using confidential patient data in coronavirus response The Guardian UK government using confidential patient data in coronavirus response – The Guardian Source: Assent.InfoSec
Work is continuing on the £40M Radcliffe and Redvales Flood Alleviation Scheme. Work is continuing on the £40M Radcliffe and Redvales Flood Alleviation Scheme. Environment Agency continuing its flood defence work Source: Assent.Environmental
The Accounts and Audit Regulations 2015 (“the 2015 Regulations”) set out detailed requirements on a relevant authority (defined in section 2(1) of the Local Audit and Accountability Act 2014), other than a health service body, in relation to its annual…
Due to the current COVID-19 situation, IAF has extended the transition period for certified companies to migrate from OHSAS 18001 to ISO 45001 until 11th September 2021 Due to the current COVID-19 situation, IAF has extended the transition period for…
EU privacy watchdog calls for pan-European mobile app for virus tracking Reuters UK EU privacy watchdog calls for pan-European mobile app for virus tracking Reuters UK EU privacy watchdog calls for pan-European mobile app for virus tracking – Reuters UK Source: Assent.InfoSec
An Act to make provision in connection with coronavirus; and for connected purposes. An Act to make provision in connection with coronavirus; and for connected purposes. Coronavirus Act 2020 Source: Assent.Legal
This Order amends the Feed-in Tariffs Order 2012. This Order amends the Feed-in Tariffs Order 2012. The Feed-in Tariffs (Amendment) (Coronavirus) Order 2020 Source: Assent.Environmental
The Road Traffic Act 1988 generally prohibits the use of a motor vehicle without a test certificate on a road in Great Britain. That Act also confers a power on the Secretary of State to exclude classes of vehicle from…