This October is National Cyber Security Awareness Month!

This October is National Cyber Security Awareness Month, remember to scan all computerised equipment regularly (at least once a week).

How We Can Help

We can help you by helping you apply ISO 27001, along with other schemes like ‘the cyber essentials scheme’ to help you protect your company from Information Security risks.

What WE Can Do

We, Assent Risk Management have ISO 27001 consultants who can help you implement an Information Security Management System and achieve certification.

We will give you support; we will work with you to build a management system that fits with your organisation, building on the good work you are already doing and support improvements.

It’s Not All Paper Work!

We are experienced in implementing information security management systems and can keep the paperwork to a minimum, ensuring you get maximum benefit from the ISO 27001 standard.

To Start This Easy Process, You Can:

Contact us, either via our website, or by phone on 020 3432 2854

We also provide training and will keep you up to date with news and information you need. We can also provide a GAP Analysis which could save you time and money before implementation. More information can be found


How ISO 27001 Will Help

ISO 27001 is the internationally recognised standard for information security management.

This is not just IT security, ISO 27001 takes a business risk approach to all information assets of the organization and creates a framework for managing threats to those assets.

The ISO 27001 standard takes a risk management approach to information security and therefore requires the organization to define a risk assessment methodology.

After assessing the threats to information assets, the standard provides 114 possible controls to apply, within Annex A.

ISO 27001 also requires consideration of legal and other requirements placed on the organization, and this is become more relevant as Data Protection Laws are evolving across Europe, America and the world.

You can find out more dedicated information on our Tech Risk Website here: