Tag Packaging

Hazard Pictograms are Changing – CLP/GHS.

Summary Hazard Pictograms Change. CLP Regulations Fully in force from 1st June 2015. Adopts UN GHS. CHIP Regulations to be Revoked (1st June 2015). Original Author: Assent Risk Management Original Links: http://www.assentriskmanagement.co.uk/blog/comments.php?y=15&m=05&entry=entry150512-172227 Content The familiar Orange Hazard pictograms seen on many household…

Guidance: Compaction equipment

Source: HSE This guidance gives advice on the main safety issues at compactors (sometimes referred to as compactor units or packer units) and how the risks can be controlled. It is aimed at employers, managers and supervisors at premises where…

Packaging Directive – Changes Oct 13

Source: Environment Agency, National Packaging Waste Database, http://npwd.environment-agency.gov.uk/?utm_medium=email&utm_source=Environment+Agency&utm_campaign=3153895_October+-+issue+23&utm_content=Packaging&dm_i=2WX,1VLK7,BJ9KL4,6RQGJ,1 DEFRA have requested that the below information note is made available via NPWD. This information note outlines changes to the Packaging Directive on the scope of what is considered to be regarded as packaging.…