Tag Environment

On-site treatment of organic waste guidance

WRAP’s guidance on-site treatment of organic waste provides information for those who may be considering treating organic waste such as food or garden-type wastes on-site. It is aimed at managers, facilities managers and others within the public and hospitality sectors.…

Business Vehicle Fleets

The Energy Saving Trust (EST) and Enterprise Rent-A-Car are working together with businesses to assist them to make beneficial changes to reduce costs and improve sustainability.  These changes may include introducing electric cars into the fleet, finding alternatives to unregulated…

Updated flood risk planning guidance – Oct13

Source: Environment Agency, http://www.environment-agency.gov.uk/research/planning/33698.aspx?utm_medium=email&utm_source=Environment+Agency&utm_campaign=3153895_October+-+issue+23&utm_content=Floodplanningguidance Are you a planner or developer? The government has published new, shorter planning guidance for councils and developers in England. To support it, we have published detailed advice on managing flood risks including on climate change; Strategic…

Packaging Directive – Changes Oct 13

Source: Environment Agency, National Packaging Waste Database, http://npwd.environment-agency.gov.uk/?utm_medium=email&utm_source=Environment+Agency&utm_campaign=3153895_October+-+issue+23&utm_content=Packaging&dm_i=2WX,1VLK7,BJ9KL4,6RQGJ,1 DEFRA have requested that the below information note is made available via NPWD. This information note outlines changes to the Packaging Directive on the scope of what is considered to be regarded as packaging.…