Tag EA

Animal By-Products (Enforcement) (England) Regulations SI 2013/2952

These regulations enforce the EC regulation 1069/2009 (European Commission) relating to health rules for animal by-products, repealing EC 1774 They revoke the following previous regulations SI (Statutory Instrument) 1995/614 and 2011 http://www.legislation.gov.uk/uksi/2013/2952/contents/made?utm_medium=email&utm_source=Environment+Agency&utm_campaign=3690313_February+2014&dm_i=2WX,273GP,BJ9KL4,7Y7DS,0

On-site treatment of organic waste guidance

WRAP’s guidance on-site treatment of organic waste provides information for those who may be considering treating organic waste such as food or garden-type wastes on-site. It is aimed at managers, facilities managers and others within the public and hospitality sectors.…