Risk Digest: Over 746,000 Phishing Emails Pretending to be From the NHS were Blocked + More

Over 746,000 phishing emails pretending to be from the NHS were blocked in one month, BP has confirmed it is looking to obtain more green energy firms, a 300-word summary on where we are with Brexit and more!

Information Security

“More than 746,000 phishing emails pretending to be from the NHS were blocked in just one month in 2017, the National Cyber Security Centre says.” Read the full article here.


Follow our lead’, BT urges rival ISPs after it begins sharing malware data to help in cybercrime battle” Read the full article here.

Health & Safety

“An employee’s hand became trapped in a sanding machine, causing burn injuries that needed surgery. Plastics manufacturer Greenbox OEM Limited has been fined following the incident.” Read the full article here.

“The dawn collapse of a roller shutter door at a market stall in Walthamstow, north east London, has resulted in a prosecution by the HSE and a fine of £45,000 for the construction contractor responsible for the works.” Read the full article here.


“Figuring out what to eat is often a dreaded task for many air travelers. Between the salty fast food, stress and struggle to finding a seat, airport dining isn’t typically known for its desirability.” Read the full article here.


“In a sixth year of consecutive growth, organic sales rose by 6% to a record £2.2bn, driven largely by independent outlets and home deliveries” Read the full article here.


“A group of prominent scientists and economists have issued a stark warning to the nation’s politicians: the Murray-Darling basin plan is failing to achieve environmental goals and is a “gross waste” of money.” Read the full article here.


“The number of hedgehogs living in the British countryside has plummeted by more than half since 2000, according to a new report.” Read the full article here.


BP has declared it is looking to acquire more green energy firms, as the British oil giant pledged to set carbon targets for its operations.” Read the full article here.


“The energy regulator’s plan to cap household tariffs threatens to strangle the retail market by slashing profit margins and limiting competition to within a range of just £29 a year on an average bill, say critics.” Read the full article here.


“Just one hour of social interaction a week can make a difference to the lives of people living with dementia.” Read the full article here.

“Taking part in a meditation session has no greater impact on your mood or wellbeing than chilling in front of a nature programme, new research suggests.” Read the full article here.


“Two former employees of Google and Facebook have launched a campaign to fight what they see as the addictive nature of the technology they helped to create.” Read the full article here.


“The value of Bitcoin has fallen to below $6,000 – its lowest price since November 2017.” Read the full article here.

Pension IGCs


“The newest member of the Bank of England’s Financial Policy Committee (FPC) has told MPs that greater clarity on post-Brexit economic arrangements must be achieved by next month, in order for finance firms to plan ahead.” Read the full article here.


“Local authorities in England are teetering on the edge of a financial crisis, with most planning to increase council tax from April while continuing to cut services, a survey has found.” Read the full article here.


“Business leaders have warned Theresa May that “patience is wearing thin” with the government’s indecision on Brexit, as her inner cabinet comes under intense pressure to give a clearer signal about Britain’s future relationship with the EU.” Read the full article here.


“David Davis once said negotiating Brexit was as complicated as a Moon landing. So for those still stuck on the launch pad, here is a very quick guide to what’s going on.” Read the full article here.


The Lighter Side     

“A blind man is to become the first person in the UK to get a guide horse, because he is scared of dogs.” Read the full article here.


“The mind is a funny thing. It can play the strangest tricks on us when we’re least expecting it. Take this simple, innocent photo of a residential street for example.” Read the full article here.


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