Risk Digest 25th November 2016

Here’s your Risk Digest for the Week Ending 25h November 2016.


Information Security

Hackers are using Mail Chimp to Spread Malware.

Hackers recently sent out campaigns containing Malware using Mail Chimp’s popular tool.


Apple Sends “iPhone Call History to iCloud”.

Law enforcement officials could get their hands on iPhone call data because Apple sends it to the iCloud, bypassing the protection afforded by iOS encryption, a Russian software developer has claimed.

Health & Safety

Health & Safety

Heinz “Can Song” Advert Banned Over Safety Fears

A Heinz advert encouraging people to “Learn the #CanSong” has been banned for showing “unsafe practices”.


Report Confirms Drone and Plane “Very Near Miss” Over Central London.

A report from the UK Airprox Board has said that a passenger aircraft narrowly avoided a collision with a drone as it passed over central London in July this year.

Two Trees in a field with bright spring sunlight


Alaska Airlines Runs First Flight on Forest Fuel

Washington state-based Alaska Airlines has made history by flying the first commercial flight using the world’s first renewable, alternative jet fuel made from forest residuals.


US Federal Judge Rules for Youth-Driven Landmark Climate Change Lawsuit

A federal judge in Oregon has ruled that a landmark class action lawsuit challenging the government’s relative inaction on climate change can move forward and go to trial.

Energy Saving


New Wales Lagoon to Provide Clean Energy

An £8bn which could provide clean energy for the whole of Wales has been outlined to Cardiff Council.


48 Countries Vow to use 100% Renewable Energy by 2050.

The signatories are countries who are disproportionately affected by global warming such as Ethiopia and the Maldives

Cloud Security


Tech Stats Including: London Named Top Startup City

This week’s stats include alternative investments, gender diversity in the workplace, global FinTech investment for up to Q3 2016, mobile-savvy workplaces, smart buildings and the top cities in which to start a tech business.


Fujitsu CTO: Tech Industry Must Take Responsibility for Impact of AI

Interview: Fujitsu’s CTO Dr Joseph Reger discusses ways to address negative issues artificial intelligence throws up

Tastatur Europa


IBM, Facebook and Google Pledge “Major” Investment in UK Despite Brexit Vote

The New York-based company said it had decided to expand its cloud capacity in Britain before the June referendum and saw no reason to turn back after the result became known, adding that the investment reflected the strength of the UK economy.


How Trump and Brexit Will Affect James Bond.

The UK’s cyber-security defenses face further challenges as industrial espionage and military and intelligence hacking intensifies. Bond is going to have his work cut out for him.

Cute white rabbit with colorful easter eggs in magician hat

The Lighter Side

Incredible White Rainbow Photographed over Scottish Moor

A stunning shot of a white “fog bow” has been captured by a photographer over Rannoch Moor in the west of Scotland.


Couple Recreate Classic Film Scenes… With Their Cats.

Business and finance apprentice Sarah Chapman, 23, and boyfriend David, 30, a software engineer, enlisted their cats Tara and Willow to take centre stage in their tributes.



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