Risk Digest: 18th August 2017: Google Chrome under attack, the Nokia 8 and a new species of butterfly are all included in your Risk Digest for the week ending 18th August 2017.

Google Chrome under attack, the Nokia 8 and a new species of butterfly are all included in your Risk Digest for the week ending 18th August 2017.

Information Security

“Google Chrome has come under repeated attack in recent weeks via Chrome Extensions, which allow for additional functionality to added to the browser.”

Read the full article here.

“The researcher, who goes by the handle of MalwareTech, has pleaded not guilty to six charges of creating malware” Read the full article here.

Health & Safety

“The Grenfell Tower public inquiry must be “a watershed for fire safety”, the Institution of Occupational Safety and Health (IOSH) said today.” Read the full article here.

“A Yorkshire manufacturing business has been fined £140,000 for safety breaches after a worker suffered flash burns to her face, neck, chest and both arms.” Read the full article here.


“Sales of British salmon helped the UK to export a record value of food and drink in the first half of the year, according to industry figures.” Read the full article here.

“Targets are to be set to reduce calories in pizzas, burgers and ready meals as part of the government’s drive to tackle child obesity in England.” Read the full article here.


Fracking for oil and gas in the UK may produce much less fuel – and profits – than has been mooted, according to research based on seismic imaging of the country’s underlying geology.” Read the full article here.

“Scotland has a new species of butterfly: the elusive and endangered white-letter hairstreak has been discovered in a field in Berwickshire, 100 metres from the English border.” Read the full article here.


“The massive increase in wind and solar energy helped prevent the premature deaths of up to 12,700 people over a nine-year period in the US, according to new research which illustrates the wider benefits of ditching fossil fuels beyond limiting global warming.” Read the full article here.

“Moray Council has granted Elgin Energy planning permission for a 20MW project near Urquhart, which could see about 80,000 solar panels installed.” Read the full article here.


“We’ve handpicked seven of the best wellness retreats in Europe; tranquillity is just a short jet ride away…” Read the full article here.

“Getting enough sleep can sometimes feel impossible to achieve – especially given the digital distractions and demands of modern times. But maybe you’ve found a simple solution that works for you?” Read the full article here.


“We would have been more excited by an 18:9 Nokia 9, but the Nokia 8 joins a bunch of other 2017 Snapdragon 835 flagships with some unique features that include a ‘Bothie’ mode. Want to know what that is?” Read the full article here.

“If we are to become the best in the world for tech, we need to nurture talent in the pipeline, and educate and inspire future generations” Read the full article here.


“A shock fall in new car sales is forcing dealers to offer increasingly high-risk finance deals in a desperate bid to keep the flagging market moving, Bank of England economists warn today.” Read the full article here.

“Workers whose bosses failed to pay the National Minimum Wage are to be refunded a record £2m, the government has revealed. In its latest “name and shame” campaign, it lists 230 employers which have not complied with the law.” Read the full article here.

The Lighter Side     

“Most dream of a 24-carat gold engagement ring… but one woman was merely thrilled to find her own one-carrot band.” Read the full article here.

Several dogs have been seen with bright blue fur, apparently after they swam in polluted water.” Read the full article here.


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All links were available at the time of this post.