Here’s your Risk Digest for the Week Ending 17th June 2016.
Information Security 
Huge spam and malware network goes offline
BBC News, 13/06/2016
One of the biggest networks of spam-sending computers in the world has gone quiet, puzzling experts, internet security firms have said.
Infosec 2016: Two Thirds Of Security Pros Say Brexit Won’t Hurt UK’s Cyber Defence
TechWeek Europe,13/06/2016
If the UK decides to leave the EU, there will be no change in UK’s ability to protect itself, think IT pros.
Critical Attack Flaw Found In Google Chrome
TechWeek Europe, 13/06/2016
An easy-to-exploit bug in Chrome’s default PDF reader could allow attackers to take over a system
Health & Safety 
‘Safety risk’ at ambulance trust
BBC News, 15/06/2016
An ambulance trust is being investigated after reports of bullying and harassment and an “unfit for purpose” dispatch system.
South West NHS 111 service rated inadequate
BBC News, 16/06/2016
A “consistently failing” NHS patient helpline has been rated inadequate in a “damning” report.
Six months after the COP21: 4 ways to unleash the power of Sustainable Development
Huffpost Green, 10/06/2016
As the Paris Agreement destined to fight global warming has been signed by more than 175 countries, it’s urgent that we now make sure it produces the desired results. Indeed, Climate Central, an ONG that utilizes NASA data, has just announced that in the first 3 months of 2016, we were already dangerously close to the 1,5º temperature increase limit fixed by the COP21.
Waste electrical and electronic equipment (WEEE) public registers
Environment Agency, 13/06/2016
Registers of electrical and electronic equipment (EEE) producers, approved exporters, approved authorised treatment facilities and producer compliance schemes.
El Niño likely to boost CO2 in 2016
BBC News, 13/06/2016
A big spike in atmospheric carbon dioxide levels means the greenhouse gas is about to pass a symbolic threshold.
Vulcan Solar Park Is The First Of Its Kind In Canada
Huffpost Green, 13/06/2016
The town of Vulcan, Alta. is embracing the future with the launch of Canada’s first solar park.
EU proposes stricter tests on car emissions from 2017 in wake of VW scandal
Reuters, 15/06/2016
EU regulators proposed stricter tests on Wednesday on car fuel consumption and carbon dioxide emissions from late next year to plug loopholes highlighted by the Volkswagen emissions scandal.
Huffpost Green, 14/06/2016
Tree planting at ‘an all time low’
BBC News, 16/06/2016
Official figures released today by the Forestry Commission show that the government is falling far short of its own tree-planting targets
Exercise four hours after learning ‘boosts memory’
BBC News, 17/06/2016
Intensive physical exercise four hours after learning is the key to remembering information learnt, say Dutch researchers.
Other News 
UK facing ‘digital skills crisis’ warn MPs
BBC News, 13/06/2016
Urgent action is needed to deal with the UK’s digital skills crisis, warn MPs, or it risks damaging the country’s productivity and competitiveness.
The Internet of Things: Finance gets personal
Tech City News, 13/06/2016
Mike Laven is CEO of Currency Cloud, a provider of cross-border money transferring services, explains how the Internet of Things could revolutionise personal finance.
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