Here’s your Risk Digest for the Week Ending 10th June 2016.
Information Security / Cloud / Cyber Security 
Mitsubishi Outlander hybrid car alarm ‘hacked’ BBC News, 06/06/2016
The alarm on Mitsubishi’s Outlander hybrid car can be turned off via security bugs in its on-board wi-fi, researchers have found.
‘Significant’ number of TeamViewer users hacked BBC News, 06/06/2016
Remote login software maker TeamViewer has beefed up its security controls after users reported their machines had been hacked via the program.
Zuckerberg’s social media accounts targeted by hackers BBC News, 06/06/2016
He might run the world’s biggest social networking site, but not even Mark Zuckerberg is immune to being hacked.
New Trojan Uses Zeus Tricks To Target Russian Banks
TechWeek Europe, 07/06/2016
Security researchers have discovered a new virus targeting Russian bank customers using many of the techniques employed by notorious malware such as Zeus and Carbeep.
TeamViewer Bolsters Security Following Attacks
TechWeek Europe, 07/06/2016
TeamViewer, which makes a popular remote-login software package, has said it will introduce new security features in response to a rash of reports of attackers using the platform to infiltrate users’ systems.
‘Alarming’ rise in ransomware tracked
BBC News, 07/06/2016
Cyber-thieves are adopting ransomware in “alarming” numbers, say security researchers.
Faulty update breaks Lexus cars’ maps and radio systems
BBC News, 08/06/2016
A faulty software update is causing problems for Lexus car owners.
A peek behind the curtain at GCHQ
BBC News, 08/06/2016
It has long been the most secretive of Britain’s intelligence agencies – but, lately, GCHQ has been tiptoeing ever so carefully out of the shadows.
Infosec 2016: ICO – GDPR Not The Only Option If Brexit Happens
TechWeek Europe, 08/06/2016
Infosec 2016: Information Commissioner’s Office could be happy with data regulations like Australia or New Zealand enforce if Britain leaves the EU.
Investigatory Powers Bill Is Passed By Parliament
TechWeek Europe, 08/06/2016
Most Labour MPs join the Conservatives to pass controversial surveillance legislation in Parliament.
Environment / Economy 
Fish Freaking LOVE To Eat Plastic, And That’s A Problem Huffpost Green, 06/06/2016
Friends don’t let friends get hooked on microbeads.
Why the Next Five Years Will Determine Our Clean Energy Future
Huffpost Green, 05/06/2016
Is Your Smartphone Killing Gorillas?
Huffpost Green, 06/06/2016
Norway Is The First Country To Ban Deforestation Huffpost Green, 07/06/2016
Norway is so woke to deforestation, it’s the first nation to outlaw it.
Experiment ‘turns waste CO2 to stone’ BBC News, 09/06/2016
Scientists think they have found a smart way to constrain carbon dioxide emissions – just turn them to stone.
This Bill Would Make It Harder To Breathe. The House Passed It, Of Course.
Huffpost Green, 09/06/2016
The House passed a bill on Wednesday that would delay the Environmental Protection Agency’s new ozone regulations for perhaps another decade — a move that could endanger the health of millions of Americans.
Health & Safety / Health & Wellbeing 
Women ‘nearly twice as likely to have anxiety’ as men
BBC News, 06/06/2016
Women are nearly twice as likely to experience anxiety as men, a global review reveals.
Gene editing technique could transform future BBC News, 06/06/2016
CRISPR – get to know this acronym. It’s good to know the name of something that could change your future.
The savvy safety leader’s guide to spotting a wrong ‘un
Safety & Health Practitioner, 08/06/2016
RR1039 Summary of the rewrite of HSE’s PIPeline INtegrity (PIPIN) model
HSE, 10/06/2016
World News 
Assent Introduces Digital Audit Process Risk Briefing, 06/06/2016
Professional Services company Assent has launched a new process using its Risk Assist Service Desk, to help customers keep up with management system tasks such as audits, reviews and tests.
Mergers & Acquisitions: Management System Continuity
Assent Risk Management, 09/06/2016
When companies merge or acquire each other there are many challenges to over come to ensure a successful outcome for all involved.
There are organisational cultures to consider, efficiency of processes, how the customer base will react and so on.
Here are some things to think about from our experience…
FSA Annual Report of Incidents 2015 published Food Standards Agency, 09/06/2016
The Food Standards Agency has today published its latest Annual Report of Food Incidents. It shows that in 2015, the FSA and Food Standards Scotland were notified of, investigated and managed 1,514 food, feed and environmental contamination incidents in the UK.
Concerns over quality of computer science exam BBC News, 06/06/2016
Concerns have been expressed over the quality of last month’s National 5 exam paper in computer science.
Students say City of Bristol College course was ‘shambolic’ BBC News, 06/06/2016
A City of Bristol College course has been described as “a shambles” by students who claim they have not received qualifications after the college lost their work.
University wipes out gender pay gap with salary hike BBC News, 06/06/2016
A UK university is giving its female professors a one-off salary hike to wipe out the gender pay gap with their male colleagues.
Technology / Science Tech 
Facebook pushes mobile users to Messenger app BBC News, 06/06/2016
Facebook users on Android devices are being notified that they will no longer be able to access messages without the Messenger app.
Amazon-driven services hit by blackout BBC News, 06/06/2016
Australian food-ordering and ticket-selling apps, TV-streaming platforms and a car-sharing site temporarily stopped working because of problems at one of Amazon’s data centres.
Fintech is playing the long game TechCrunch, 06/06/2016
Our team has been actively investing in fintech for the past two years. In addition to reading pitches from hundreds of companies and meeting with dozens, half of our team has worked in the finance sector in previous careers.
Apple’s Siri calls ambulance for baby BBC News, 07/06/2016
A woman from Cairns, Australia, used Siri to call an ambulance for her one-year-old daughter when she stopped breathing.
Hands-free phone use by drivers ‘equally distracting’ BBC News, 08/06/2016
Drivers using a hands-free phone get just as distracted as those holding it in their hand, researchers have found.
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All links were available at the time of this post.