Personal Protective Equipment at Work Guidance Updated

This guidance from HSE is mainly for employers and relevant self-employed people, however it can also be useful for those selecting PPE (Personal Protective Equipment) and employees.


The key messages are:

It is essential that employers put in place all necessary safe systems of work, control measures and engineering solutions so that use of PPE is minimised

Where PPE is needed it must be the most appropriate for the identified risk and should only be issued where it further reduces the level of risk

PPE is a safeguard of last resort since it only protects the individual wearer

Changes to the guidance since the last edition:

It has been updated to clarify the requirement after the repeal of the Construction (Head Protection) Regulations 1989

It details changes to the provisions for head protection for turban wearing Sikhs following an amendment to the Employment Act 1989

It details changes required due to an amendment to Section 3(2) of the Health and Safety at Work etc Act 1974 relating to self-employed persons


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Original Author: HSE
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