How You Can Security Screen Staff.


  • Various Screening Methods Permitted depending on role.
  • Blog looks at some key methods.
  • BS 7857 provides code of practice for  “Security Screening of individuals employed in a security environment”

Original Author: Assent Resourcing Team from Assent Risk Management
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Taking on the right person for a job can be a risk business, particularly in industries that have a requirement to maintain high levels of security, for example those who provide Manned Security Guard, Door Supervision, Key Holding, Money Transfer, Secure Printing or Banking/Financial.
It’s not always clear what background checks an organisation can do to manage this risk.  Here we break down some of the options you can consider.

Reference Checking Only

Most organisations request candidates to provide references but how many follow them up?
Unfortunately some employers are inclined to give factual references rather than, character references, to avoid legal complications.
A factual reference may only tell you dates of employment, job title and reason for dismissal – as required by law. 

Disclosure and Barring Service (DBS Checks formerly CRB)

The Disclosure and Barring Service is similar to the previous Criminal Record Bureau (CRB) Checks.
A Standard DBS Check is available to job roles with high responsibility and will provide details of any convictions.
An Enhanced DBS Check is available for certain activities such as working with children or other vulnerable people.  The Enhanced certificate includes additional information that the Police believe to be relevant.

Baseline Personnel Security Standard (BPSS) 

BPSS is a set of additional pre-employment checks designed to assess the characteristics of the candidate.  It is used in Government and Civil Service Settings as well as being adopted by the private sector.

Security Check (SC) 

Is a level of clearance that includes criminal, security and credit checks.  The candidate will usually also need to have been a UK resident for a minimum of 5 years.


Counter-Terrorist Check (CTC) and Developed Vetting (DV) are two other vetting processes that may be available depending on the job role.

Screening to BS 7858

BS 7858 guides the employer through necessary steps to ensure that potential employees present no known risk to their organisation.

Although written specifically for organisations where high levels of security are essential such as security guarding, secure shredding or finace, there is plenty of guidance that can be applied to any business or organisation.

Read more: Security Screening of Individuals to BS 7858

More Information

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Assent Risk Management is a UK wide consultancy specialising in several areas of business risk including information security.

Our consultants can help you understand standards, implement the recommended controls and measure/reduce risk to personal data.

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