
  • Amend various acts and repeals others that no longer have a practical use.
  • Apprenticeship provisions (sections 3 to 5 and schedule 1) into force on 26 May 2015
  • Removal of employment tribunals’ power to make wider recommendations (section 2) into force on 1 October 2015.

Original Author: Assent Risk Management

Original Links: NA


The Deregulation Act 2015 affects many areas of business and personal life with the aim of reducing the legislative burden placed on them.  This includes repealing legislation that “no longer has practical use“;

There are numerous provision across 17 sections of the act with and additional 23 Schedules.  Here we look at some of the key areas affecting business.

Health & Safety at Work etc. Act

An amendment to Section 3 of the Health and Safety at Work etc. Act 1974 exempts the self employed from health & safety law where the activity [undertaking] affects only the self employed person and therefore presents no risk to the health and safety of others UNLESS the activity is prescribed by the Secretary of State in Regulations, in which case the self employed will continue to have duties.

Employment Act 1989 (Health & Safety)

The exemption for turban wearing Sikhs from wearing a safety helmet has now been extended to all workplaces, except in urgent response to hazardous situations such as fire or if the individual is taking part in a military operations for Her Majesty’s Forces.  This includes visitors to site.

Employment Tribunals

The act removes employment tribunals’ power to make wider recommendations in discrimination cases, for example, recommendations that relate to persons other than the claimant.

Drink & Drug Offences

An evidential breath specimen can no-longer be substituted for a bloody or urine specimen.

Energy & Climate Change

The act also amends the Climate Change and Sustainable Energy Act 2006 by taking away duties on local authorities and the Secretary of State relating to consideration of energy measure reports, setting national targets and increasing sales of electricity generated by microgeneration, reviewing development orders facilitating the installation of equipment for microgeneration in dwelling-houses, and removes the duty to promote the use of heat from renewable sources.