Risk Digest: The Latest Iphone 8 News and more!

Your Risk Digest for 11th August includes information on Contaminated European Eggs, Scientists’  view on BBC’s climate change claim, the latest news about the iPhone 8 and more!

UK Data Protection Laws Changing

Information Security

“The author of an influential guide to computer passwords says he now regrets several of the tips he gave.” Read the full article here.


“Largish patch update from Microsoft, but administrators advised to tackle Adobe updates ASAP” Read the full article here.

Health & Safety

“St Albans Crown Court was told how an employee of Signature Flight Support London Luton Ltd was injured while she was opening the doors of Hangar 219 at London Luton Airport” Read the full article here.


“The second round of post-Grenfell fire tests of cladding and insulation systems have revealed that another 111 high rise blocks this time with a combination of polyethylene rainscreen cassettes and mineral wool insulation – have been judged to fail a test specified in Approved Document B.” Read the full article here.


“A “very small number” of European eggs that may be contaminated with a potentially harmful pesticide have entered the UK, the Food Standards Agency said on Monday.” Read the full article here.


“Supermarket group Morrisons has pledged not to sell own-label “fake-farm” food. It defines this as brands that can give a misleading impression that food comes from a British farm, market or farming town which may not even exist.” Read the full article here.

Environmental Permitting


“A boom in incinerator-building could make it impossible for the UK to meet future targets for recycling, a report says.” Read the full article here.


“Scientists have responded furiously to claims about climate change made in a live BBC radio interview.” Read the full article here.


“An independent review into the cost of energy has been launched by the government amid concerns about rising bills.” Read the full article here.


“Nearly half of £6.1bn energy spending in developing countries from 2010-14 went on oil, coal and gas-fired schemes, data shows.” Read the full article here.


“Mayor wants tube 4G coverage by 2019, a team of notspot specialists and for local authorities to do more to improve connectivity.” Read the full article here.


“Apple is gearing up to release its new iPhone in a few weeks’ time. The upcoming iPhone 8 is anticipated to mark a radical change for the company as it seeks to wow users with a 10th anniversary device.” Read the full article here.


“THE Co-op Bank lost 25,000 current-account customers in the first half amid uncertainty over its future, but insisted it would bounce back after securing a funding lifeline.” Read the full article here.


“Regulators must remain “very very” vigilant about the risks to the economy, former chancellor Lord Darling has told the BBC – 10 years on from the start of the financial crisis.” Read the full article here.


“The “world’s biggest start-up campus” launches in Paris as European cities compete for tech talent during post-Brexit uncertainty.” Read the full article here. 


“Over year has passed since Brexit, giving exporters time to get to grips with its implications. Mark Lane meets some of them” Read the full article here.

The Lighter Side

“When you’re a dog, there are two priorities in life. Who’s going to feed me and what time are walkies?” Read the full article here.


“A 100-year-old fruit cake has been found in the oldest building in Antarctica and those who discovered it think it looks fresh.” Read the full article here.


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