Risk Digest 18th November 2016

Here’s your Risk Digest for the Week Ending 18th November 2016.

Cyber Security on the Gears.

Information Security

Tesco Assures Customers that Personal Data Was Not Compromised

Supermarket also rules out an inside job.


“Snooper’s Charter” Set to Become Law

The Investigatory Powers Bill has been passed by both Houses of Parliament. Once it receives Royal Assent it will become law

men at work grinding steel

Health & Safety

Croydon Tram: Moving at 43.5mph in 12.5mph Zone.

Tram tried to take a sharp bend at nearly four times the speed limit. No fault was found with the tram.

Folding Bike Helmet Wins James Dyson Award

The “EcoHelmet” is the brainchild of Isis Shiffer, a 28-year-old designer and bike enthusiast from New York who came up with the idea after she began using city bike-hire schemes but was worried about cycling without a helmet.

hardware cpu


NHS Email Send-To-All Mistake Causes Havoc

Recipients using “Reply All” to complain add to server overload.


Linux Makes Open Source Commitment

Microsoft will join as platinum partner of the Linux Foundation in the latest evolution of the new open era as Canonical touts SQL Server for Ubuntu



Prince William Warns Poachers are Outrunning Efforts to Halt Wildlife Trade

The prince’s speech came as the UK pledged an extra £13m to tackle the problem and environment secretary, Andrea Leadsom, promised the UK would show leadership to protect precious wildlife.

UK Poised to Ratify UK Climate Deal

Parliament raised no objections to the Paris deal and the process is simply awaiting a government signature and deposition at the UN.

Cloud computing


Google and Facebook Crack Down on Fake News Sites.

Google and Facebook have announced plans to fight the spread of fake news by placing tighter restrictions on how such sites make money from advertising.
WhatsApp Just gave you a Reason to Uninstall Skype and Facebook Messenger

WHATSAPP – the world’s most popular messaging app – now allows users on Android, iOS and Windows Phone to make and receive video calls using their mobile device.

Tastatur Europa


Supreme Court Judge Warns that Ministers Could Spend Months Overhauling EU Laws.

The Deputy President of the Supreme Court has said ministers could be forced to spend months overhauling EU laws before they can trigger the Brexit process.
Increasing Number of MPs Set to Vote Against Triggering of Article 50

The Prime Minister could face difficulty activating Britain’s exit from the EU as an increasing number of MPs have indicated they would vote against triggering Article 50 in parliament


The Lighter Side

Jack Russell’s Amazing Entry to the Mannequin Challenge

The mannequin challenge has taken the world by storm, with even England’s footballers taking part after Jamie Vardy’s goal against Spain on Tuesday night. And it’s not only humans who are enjoying the game, as one amazing dog from Tennessee has shown.

Guinness World Record Day: Including Biscuit Dunking from 246ft

A bungee jumper who dunked a biscuit in a cup of tea after diving from a height of 246ft (75m) and a magician who performed 11 tricks in a single skydive, are being joined by 600,000 other people around the globe who are attempting to make history on Guinness World Records Day.


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