Risk Digest: 28th October 2016

Here’s your Risk Digest for the Week Ending 28th October 2016.


Information Security

Researcher Breaches PayPal Two-Factor in 5 Minutes

A computer security researcher said it took him less than five minutes to bypass PayPal’s two-factor authentication, a feature intended to provide an extra layer of security in addition to a password.
Virgin Media: Security Flaw despite Price Increase

Teenage job applicant discovers major flaw in Virgin Media security that could have exposed personal information such as home addresses, phone numbers and email accounts.

Construction Design and Management Regs

Health & Safety

Blog: HSE Announces AED Training Deadline.

The HSE has announced that from 31st December 2016 all First Aid at Work training courses must include training in the use of AED (Automatic External Defibrillator).


Reports: The Changing World of Occupational Health and Safety.

set of six reports, which come after five years of research as part of IOSH’s Health and Safety in a Changing World programme has revealed some key findings into the perception of health and safety and the challenges the profession is facing.


Four Die in Accident at Australian Theme Park.

Four people have died at a theme park in Australia after a ride they were in malfunctioned.


Round-Up: European Health and Safety Week.

From 24th to 28th October, workplaces in Europe share a common goal: promoting sustainable working lives and safe and healthy working conditions for all ages.


Business Continuity

Article: Cyber Crime and Corporate Reputation.

Jim Preen reports on a recent Ipsos Mori event which looked at the subject of Cyber crime and Corporate Reputation and presented the results of recent research in this area.


Crisis Management: Top Executives Have Trouble Making a Decision.

Although powerful people often tend to decide and act quickly, they become more indecisive than others when the decisions are toughest to make, a new study suggests.

Two Trees in a field with bright spring sunlight


Dutch Inventor Tests Smog Vacuum.

Emissions from burning fuels, industrial combustion and other pollutants mean that over 90 per cent of the world is breathing ‘bad air’, according to the World Health Organisation. A Dutch inventor may have a solution.


UK Government Boosts Local Air Quality with £3m Funding.

Annual funding for local air quality management in England has been restored to previous levels, reversing a chronic decline

Solar Panels


Renewable Energy Capacity Overtakes Coal

The International Energy Agency says that the world’s capacity to generate electricity from renewable sources has now overtaken coal.


New Project Boosts Europe’s Attractiveness to Renewable Energy Investors.

Europe may be performing better in EY’s influential rankings, but the UK has fallen to its lowest position yet



Diseases Could Soon Be Diagnosed Using Music.

Turning proteins into music could allow assessments to be made quicker by listening.


Online Sites Encouraging “Reckless” Spending with Late Night Emails.

Online retailers are encouraging bad spending habits by sending emails late at night, especially “limited time deals”.

Safety concept


Apple Accidentally Leaks Images of New Macbook in its Own Software.

Apple are rumoured to be unveiling three new Macbooks next week, but have slightly spoiled the surprise by accidentally including images of one of the models in its latest MacOS update.


Wearable Tech and Your Privacy: What You Need to Know.

Wearable tech is all the rage, with many taking to gadgets to improve and maintain their fitness. But are you looking after your privacy?

Tastatur Europa


Heathrow Expansion “Shows the World That Britain is Open for Business Post-Brexit”.

With the third runway approved for Heathrow this week, it is a signal that Britain is “open for business” following the Brexit Vote.


UK Economy Grows 0.5% in Three Months After Brexit Vote.

The UK’s service sector helped the economy to grow faster than expected in the three months after the Brexit vote, official figures have indicated.

The Lighter Side

Angry Seagull “Terrorizes” Truro Tesco Store: Causes Full Evacuation.

An irate avian visitor forced the total evacuation of a supermarket in Cornwall on Tuesday evening as it harassed shoppers.


Message-In-A-Bottle Returns to US Family After 50 Years.

The old glass Coke bottle, originally sent from New Hampshire, was discovered more than 1,000 miles away in Turks and Caicos in 2011 by Clint Buffington.


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